General Terms and Conditions



All of us at Spoke Coworking want to share in an amazing office experience and get along while doing it. We have therefore, put these rules in place to ensure just that. Please be sure to read them and review them as they are updated.


Spoke Coworking is committed to doing everything we can to make sure that all members and guests experience:

  • A welcoming, productive, and enjoyable place to work Monday - Friday from 8AM - 5PM.
  • A beautiful, furnished, and clean workspace.
  • Blazing-fast, redundant internet.
  • Endless beverages to keep you hydrated and energized (inc. coffee, lattes, hot cocoa, water, tea, sparkling water, and crunchy ice!)
  • Access to shared workspace, along with additional (dependent on bookings) private suites, library, game room, studio, meeting rooms, and private storage.
  • Simple booking availability via including access to information regarding events and resources to schedule your own events, and participate in community discussions.
  • A workspace where safety is important—including an alarm with intrusion detection, interior door-facing cameras, exterior grounds' cameras, and motion detectors throughout.
  • Our commitment to bend over backwards to make this the best work experience ever. Granted, we're human and fallible. If something goes wrong, we're very sorry, and cannot be held legally responsible. If you're hacked, our network fails, or someone steals or breaks something, we will help anyway we can, however Spoke Coworking will not be liable.
  • An open-door policy direct to the Management team to share ideas, questions & concerns at


  • Above all, remember we are a working community. We will look out for each other and lend a helping hand when we are able. We will be polite and accepting of each other. We are aware of and considerate of others and all personal property.
  • Our team has been fully vaccinated. We follow CDC recommendations on masking. As health and wellness evolve, we may therefore request everyone to wear a mask when walking around in public areas, or anytime while not actively eating or drinking.
  • When you leave, make sure that the space is in the same (or better) condition as when you walked in the door. Flush (and verify) your toilet use, wipe the counter after making a mess, place dirty dishes in the dishwasher, throw away used tissues, napkins, wrappers, etc. If you use non-disposable towels, place them in the dirty bin for machine wash. As a reminder, this is a shared workspace. We are not here to pick up after you. If you leave a mess, you may be charged or your License may be terminated.
  • Be aware of your, or any speakers' volumes in any and all spaces. Speak softly when not in shared/public areas. Voices carry, people are working, realize how loud you are as you walk, talk and laugh outside someone's door. (Do unto others…) You may be asked to turn down the volume if you are disrupting others.
  • Do not obstruct or block any hallways, doorways or walkways. Additionally, do not place trash outside any suites or in any hallways, walkways, etc. If it needs to go out in the middle of the day, take it out. If it can wait till evening, it will be emptied.
  • No freight, furniture, or other large or bulky items will be moved into or out of the building without approval.
  • Don't steal or borrow your neighbor's or Spoke Coworking's stuff without permission (ex: lamps, mouse, pens, etc) Use your own, and if you need something, ask our team. We're here to help!
  • Do not poach Spoke Coworking employees or solicit them or your neighbors.
  • No smoking or vaping in any area other than those posted and marked areas.
  • No illegal substances or guns are permitted on the property.
  • No portion of the building or suite shall be used as lodging or sleeping.
  • If you break or lose or something or cause any losses, we ask that you make it right. To that end, if you paint, drill, or deface anything without written approval, you may be asked to revert things to the way they were.
  • Use a cover when microwaving your food, then wash the microwave cover.
  • Ask for help anytime it's needed (ex: you don't know how to work the coffee maker, water machine, copier, connect to the internet, etc)
  • Remember it's our network, so think before you click. No bit torrent or porn. Spoke Coworking cannot be responsible for third-party data, websites, links or services. Know your source before clicking.
  • No key or fob sharing is permitted. If you have a guest that you want to provide access to, we can set that up at our standard costs. Depending on your membership and occupancy level that could mean a key deposit or additional member add-on.
  • Practice kindness. We have zero tolerance for harassment of any kind. If you wonder “would that be offensive?” the answer is yes, and you should not say it. Every Spoke Coworking member and guest should feel welcome, and comfortable in our space regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, or other personal attributes or beliefs. We're all here to work, so please keep politics, crude jokes and the like out of our space.
  • Keep it legal. Again, we have zero tolerance for anyone using Spoke Coworking building or grounds to conduct or pursue any illegal activities or any activity that is generally regarded as offensive.
  • It should go without saying, but please wear clothes and shoes at all times. This is an office setting, not your home, so wandering around in pajamas, slippers, or just your undies is really not okay.
  • Do not take photos or videos in or around the building, especially of coworkers without prior request and agreement.
  • Do not ask others to leave or get out of any space. If someone is exceeding their booked time, let us know and we will help.
  • Shared Facilities include and are not limited to the refrigerators, dishwasher, microwave, and toaster oven, as well as any shared seating areas, or shared rooms such as the Board Room, Conference Lounge, Flex Space, Recording Studio, Library, and Lounge (any areas that are not dedicated) and are to be used on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Please take good care of any shared facilities or common areas and the furnishings and décor within
  • If you are utilizing a room that comes with any furnishings, including desk, chair or any computer peripherals, those items belong to and remain owned by Spoke Coworking.
  • The Copier/Scanner/Printer is also first come, first served. This service is considered an add-on and will require a code for access. You will be billed for your use of this item on a monthly basis.
  • The address 6700 E Speedway is the property of Spoke Coworking. To use the address for deliveries, you must sign our Addendum regarding same.
  • If you have signed the Mail and Delivery Addendum, mail and packages can be delivered to you as long as it does not disrupt your neighbors or Spoke Coworking's general business activities. Mail will be collected solely by Spoke Coworking. Packages can be signed for by Spoke Coworking or by you. Spoke Coworking is not responsible for any item left by any delivery service.
  • If you need to mail something, you can drop it in our box, just as you might at home-put the flag up. If you need to mail something larger than what fits in the slot, you may need to purchase some add-on mailing services. Then, just leave your mail in the outgoing box in the mail/copy room.
  • You are welcome to have food delivered. Make sure you notate your suite number, and it'd be nice if you come to the Lounge or front desk to wait for delivery. If we're not busy, we'll let you know if your food has arrived, but no guarantees and we won't sign for your stuff and don't want your meal to get cold.
  • Do not host any event without advance notice to our team and remember fees may be incurred.
  • If you have guests, please ensure you arrive before them, and depart after they leave.
  • Do not canvass, solicit or peddle your wares; sure, you can talk about what you do, but going around selling door-to-door may result in you being asked to leave.
  • Your personal property is your own responsibility. Spoke Coworking cannot and will not be liable for any loss, theft or damage of any of your belongings.
  • Communicate. Let us know if there are changes to your contact or payment information. Read our emails and correspondence to be in the know on important changes to our services, fees, scheduling, and other updates.
  • Practice confidentiality. If you see something someone is working on, forget it immediately. Many of us work on sensitive projects and there need be no risk to working in a shared office setting.


  • Make your space your own! Personalize it—we love that. Just remember that you're responsible for any cost or expense to replace or repair anything. And if you don't want to personalize it, but it feels empty, reach out and we will help you decorate with things that fit you. We have contemporary, classic nerd, or gentle farmhouse décor available. However, if you use our décor, please remember that it's ours and do not take it upon leaving. Also, remember while decorating, that you are not allowed to put up signs to your office. If you are interested in signage, we are happy to discuss.
  • Do not exceed the maximum number of people on your contract and according to your office size on a regular basis—you will be charged.
  • If we provide doors or cabinets that lock, no locks may be changed at any time. By agreeing to our terms, you agree that we have right to break any locks.
  • If you have building access, we are trusting you to not allow guests without registering them.
  • If you have building access, we are trusting you to keep the building secure; this includes arming the alarm and ensuring that all doors are closed and locked when you leave.
  • If you have building access, we are trusting you to utilize only the space for which you have been contracted or the communal shared spaces as appropriate. Anything deemed inappropriate, and solely at the discretion of Spoke Coworking could result in a termination of your contract.